Spend an hour or the day at MAM to celebrate the opening of Interwoven Power: Native Knowledge /
Artists and collaborators of this three-year reinstallation project will share their work first-hand and offer a behind-the-scenes look at the exhibition’s development in relation to the landscape of art, museums, and Native communities in North America today.
All events on September 13 are free to Museum members with no sign-up required. At 6 p.m., the Museum will open to the general public for exhibition viewing and the 7 p.m. featured artists’ talk, “Holly Wilson,
Museum and Cornerstone Café Open to members |
Welcome |
Roundtable with Sherrie Smith-Ferri, Brian Vallo, and John Lukavic, MAM Native American Art Advisory Council Member, moderated by Laura Allen |
Eric-Paul Riege (Diné): jaatłoh4Ye’iitsoh Performance |
Site-specific installation tour by artist Holly Wilson (Delaware Nation) |
Artist discusses their artwork in the gallery: |
Family art activity with Povi Romero (Pojoaque Pueblo, Cochiti Pueblo, Santa Clara Pueblo, Ohkay Owingeh) and Emily Kenselaar, MAM art educator |
Artist discusses their artwork in the gallery: |
Museum opens to nonmembers ($20 admission, includes artist talk) |
Featured artist talk: “Holly Wilson, Sarah Sense, and Elizabeth James-Perry: |
Museum Closes |
Banner image: Rebecca Haff Lowry (Delaware Tribe of Indians, b. 1972). Detail of Cape of a Matriarch, 2021. Turkey feathers, glass beads, dentalium shells, hemp string. Image courtesy of the artist.