Heroes Among Us

Heroes Among Us

Everyday heroes are part of every community. Every human being has the capacity to act heroically through simple, ordinary acts of kindness, courage, and love.


Think about it:

What does it mean to be a hero?

Who are the everyday heroes in your community, school, or family? Why do you think so?

Which superpowers would you want to have?

How would you use these superpowers to help others?


You'll need:

  • Printout of superhero template
  • Pencil 
  • Drawing materials: color pencils, markers, crayon, oil pastels, or whatever you have at home


Create your hero

1. Brainstorm a list of everyday heroes in your community, school, or family and think about how they help others.

2. Choose one person who is an everyday hero from the list. What makes this person a hero? How do they make their community better or safer?

3. Use the template provided here or below to draw your everyday hero as a superhero. What are they wearing? What does their facial expression say about them? Can you illustrate your hero using their superpowers to help others?

4. Share your drawing with the everyday hero in your life to bring a smile to their face.

An outline of a hero running toward the viewer. Design your hero on this outline.